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Dear Parents,

If you have any questions about your child's grades or progress in class, please e-mail me ([email protected]) and I'll reply to you as soon as possible. You can check your child's progress in their classes whenever you wish by activating your PASSport account:
Special Notice: Please do not text message your child while they're in their classes. If you have an emergency and you need to contact your child, call the school 818-833-3700 or the Magnet office 818-833-3776, and your child will be summoned to the appropriate office for an early leave or to receive the important message you needed to relay.

All assignments are posted on Schoology. If you are not sure what your child should be doing or your child says that he or she "turns in everything" but the grade is still low, your child may be missing work or have low scores.

We are using the Schoology gradebook. Students and parents will be able to check progress and see if any work is missing or needs improvement.  To access the gradebook, first register your account then go to:  A Schoology app is also available for cell phones and tablets.
Parent and guardians can view their student's grades and monitor their progress 24/7 when they register their own account. You will need your student's school ID number to activate the account.
The Parent Center (Room 16) on campus is assisting parents and guardians with account registration.
If you are mailed a letter about your student not passing a class, the letter also contains all of the information you need to create your parent/guardian account to get on Schoology.
Once you have an LAUSD Schoology account to access Schoology, you will be able to check on how your child is progressing in all of their classes whenever you want: - Click 4 & follow the instructions.
Students are expected to regularly check Schoology - updates and materials - for their homework or current projects and to check Schoology for missing or overdue work.  Students without access to the internet at home have access on campus every school day. For distance learning, the school district is also providing hot spots and Chromebooks. For in person instruction, the school provided a laptop for every student. 

I accept late work for excused absences and activities, with a day permitted for each excused absence, and I encourage students to re-do work that received low scores in order to gain higher marks and demonstrate their mastery of the assignment. Student athletes must keep up with their work in a timely manner. It's their responsibility to check Schoology and not let things slide just because they had a game.

In any other instances when arrangements are made on a case by case basis or for academic interventions, late work has a points deduction ranging from 10-30%. Depending on the circumstances, some projects may only receive 50%. 

Please note, a student cannot pass the class without achieving a mark of C or better for their culminating grade which includes writing projects, class work, and homework. Students with Ds or Fs will need to make up the semester(s) they did not pass. All students are required to pass all four years of English.

Thank you,

Ms. L. Green


Students are required to read a minimum of 50 pages every week. They are encouraged to read 10 pages a night.

All students should bring the novel, which should be no less than 100 pages, they are reading to class on assigned days. E-books are acceptable as long as students are not misusing their laptops during reading time. Students should finish reading multiple novels every semester unless they are reading very long books. 9th graders need to check to be sure their novel is appropriate content for students.

9th grade Honors students should be reading books in their ZPD range. We use i-Ready to measure their reading levels in literature, informational text, and vocabulary to identify any areas of need and monitor their reading progress over the school year.

12th grade AP students should be reading novels from the AP Literature book list to prepare for AP testing.  (AP students are reading about 100 pages per week and use the AP reading log.)

A reading log, the form link is below: "Reading Log Form.doc", should be completed and turned in each week on the assigned day or the first day they return from an absence if they missed the original due date.  If a student does not have a reading log, they may complete the homework assignment on their own paper.


For other information about testing or various assignments, check the pages linked to this one in the right hand side. 

Reading log forms and notes are attached below.

Course Outlines are the syllabi for the classes.  They are posted in Schoology in the August folder, so that students and families can access them.